Teaching Languages to Students with Dyslexia
The “Teaching Languages to Students with Dyslexia” workshop provides strategies for educators to support dyslexic students in language learning.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding dyslexia & language learning(You will understand what dyslexia is, how the dyslexic brain works and the effects of dyslexia on students that want to learn a different language.)
- Recognize dyslexia in your students (You will be able to screen for possible dyslexia and recognize it in your students.)
- What does dyslexia feel like?(You will experience what it feels like to have a dyslexic brain and understand its impact on language learning.)
- Adapt your classes & materials(You will know how to effectively adapt your classes and materials to students with dyslexia.)
- Useful teaching tools (You will have a series of tools and games to make your classes more fun and dyslexia friendly.)
Session 1:
– Understanding dyslexia
– Knowing what dyslexia feels like
– Recognizing dyslexia in your students
– Reflection
Session 2:
– Dyslexia teaching strategies
– Adapting material
– Reflection
Only 12 seats
workshop data
April 29th
May 6th
15:30 PM - 18:00 PM
Sign up now and transform your educational approach with Boelo van der Pool!
Enroll in the “Teaching Languages to Students with Dyslexia” workshop to enhance your teaching strategies and make a positive impact on your dyslexic students’ language learning journey.
Boelo van der Pool
Raising dyslexia awareness among language teachers. Author of the book "TEACHING LANGUAGES TO STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA"
Sign Up Now!
To formalize your registration,
we request that you attach a bank payment receipt with a transfer of €120 to the following account number:
ES08 2100 2659 9902 1012 0705
Transfer subject: Workshop Dyslexia
ES08 2100 2659 9902 1012 0705
Transfer subject: Workshop Dyslexia